Monday, January 16, 2012


Well at least my mind is busy, I just feel like I am not getting anything crossed off that giant to do list..ever feel like that? My week in review...we celebrated hubby's birthday on Thursday night and then youngest son's housewarming party on Saturday.  I spent the better part of the last two weeks crocheting him an afghan finishing it just in like me! haha AND of course I planned on blogging about it, but guess what, I forgot to take any pictures of it before I gave it to him! And I forgot to take my camera to the party...what is wrong with me?? Anyway, I am trying to visit some blogs this morning and blogger isn't letting me comment so I am getting out of here before I get to frustrated and working on that to do list.  Just wanted to stop in and say hi and I am still here and hope to share a few house pics soon, I still have not brought all my decor back in yet from Christmas and today looks like a good day to do that.
Here is a pic of our little jack russell Stitch yesterday just lounging out in the grass..a dogs life!

Have a great Monday!
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BumbleBeeLane said...

Blogger gave me troubles all last week and made me switch over to chrome.Working ok now fingers crossed.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

for me, it is always a guessing game.
will I be able to post pics?
will I be able to comment?
will I see other's pics?
today seems to be okay but who knows what the rest of the day holds?


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