Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gingbread House Competition 2011

Hi there~
I mentioned last week we were holding our 3rd annual Gingerbread House competition, here are a few pictures from that night.  Pictured are my two sons with their girlfriends and my little blonde daughter with her boyfriend.

Here are all the houses, well let me explain the one on the right LOL....

That one would be the girls house, see everything was going great until she started adding icing to the roof, I guess a little to much, and they had a cave in.  So they decided it looked a little like a skate park so that is what they went with...the judge was not amused haha.

Of course the night would not be complete without my peppermint milkshakes for all the contestants. :)

And the winner is.....

They won movie tickets!
Thanks for stopping by..
Gingerbread Hugs~Stacy
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Lil Raggedy Angie said...

SKATE PARK ??? LOL I can see it ...what cant you mom? lol Love em all looks like a lot of fun thanks so much for sharing ! hugs lilraggedyangie

TheCrankyCrow said...

This cracks me up. You're (ALMOST) making me wish I had more than one child so we could start a new tradition....What a fun night - and some pretty awesome houses. That would've been a tough pick between the two that remained standing....The skate park, tho - hmmmm....think the judge made a good call there. ;o) Thanks for letting us share the fun! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Carmen and the Primcats said...

Ok... that is the funnist thing ever. What a wonderful family thing to do. And I'm cracking up at the skate park!

Merry Christmas!

Carmen and the Primcats


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