Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall Decor

Hi there~
Well with Halloween over it was time to get the turkeys and pilgrims out and put the witches and jack o'lanterns away.  Thought I would share a bit this morning. 

My big old turkey that my grandmother made me when we were first married.  He used to be the only fall decoration I had hahahaha, crazy!

Here is the sofa table with a few of my gifts from Sheila displayed (thanks Sheila...I love them)

Oh, here is my cute scarecrow I won a few weeks ago from Cyndy at Crafty Stitchers...LOVE him!!

I know this is a bad photo, I tried and tried but this is another bottle cap ornie we made on Saturday for our year round trees.

Thanks for visiting me today, have a great day girls!!
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BumbleBeeLane said...

Sweet little touches.Hugs!~Amy

TheCrankyCrow said...

Looks wonderful Stacy - I gave up decorating for Thanksgiving - too much Halloween to take down, and too much Christmas to put up - all those I "phase" things - like my regular pumpkins that aren't jol's will be the last to be put away, etc. And, of course, my awesome crow painting!! (Lovin' how you displayed yours!!) You have some seriously cool things my friend!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Carmen and the Primcats said...

Loving it all Stacy! So pretty!

Carmen and the Primcats

Margaret said...

Very lovely! You have a great touch!


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